MS365 Governance Technology study

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27 Team governance providers in comparison

The governance of MS Teams is not always easy. Governance tools can help. But how can one keep track of the multitude of tools?

  • In our study, 27 providers in the national and international field were identified. The aim of the study is to provide a market overview of the diverse governance tools and thus serve as an orientation aid for decision-makers.
  • Together with user companies of mbuf e.V., a comprehensive requirements grid consisting of more than 80 requirements was created. In a second step, the most important 30 requirements were prioritised together.
  • Renowned experts give important tips on how to set up a suitable governance environment!
  • Ten providers were examined more intensively with the help of a detailed self-disclosure and an expert evaluation and summarised for you so that you can see at a glance how the tool is structured and whether the tool is suitable for you.
  • In addition to the print/PDF version, purchasers of the study also receive an interactive XLS version in which the collected criteria can be individually weighted and their own assessments of the degree of fulfilment can be recorded in order to support the individual selection within the framework of a utility value analysis.

This considerably reduces the effort required for a selection process and saves valuable man-days!

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